Friday, May 10, 2013

Drawing Nigh

It is truth
when He says He draws nigh
unto us
when we draw nigh unto Him.

Immediately welcoming
we, His prodigals,
no matter how far
or deep away we have been.

He lets us in
to feast on His Spirit
over and over again.

What a son will do for love of a mother...

It was an insensitive demand
to be sure
that you relinquish that last vestige
of manhood, that in his presence,
you possess
in order, your dying mother, to address.

It was a gift as precious
as breath
in the presence of
almost death.

Yet with a sharpened blade
(that knoweth not the
of sacrifice there made)
cleared stubble from the jaw

and left those of us
who watched
in awe.